This beach trip was one for the books. The week was full of naked babies, boogie boarding, yummy southern food, lots of family time, sun burns, tan skin, crazy hair, bathing suits, girls nights out, long talks on the beach, good music, dance parties, and so much more. Our annual beach trips are my favorite. Celebrating our family only once a year really isn't enough. This year was different in my opinion. Grandma had been diagnosed with cancer and the odds weren't really in our favor. We didn't want to think like this but it was hard to fight back thoughts of this beach trip maybe being grandmas last one. So we tried to make this one the best. On Monday night when we had our big family home evening each family got to share a little presentation. When I came home from my mission a couple months before do to a sickness I was sad and didn't know what to do with my time suck in bed. So I decided to do what any missionary would do.. I focused my thoughts on someone else. It made the pain I was feeling go down and I was able to focus on happy things. I started making the video for my grandparents. (Its posted at the top of this beach post.). I decided I wanted to celebrate their lives and our family. Then magically a couple months later my sweet grandma was diagnosed with cancer and was given six months to live. The timing of it all couldn't have been more perfect. I thanked Heavenly Father in that moment for helping me know what I needed to do. In a time of sadness we could all have a moment to focus on what this life is all about..Family. I was grateful He gave me the task of helping our family remember to be grateful and to remember how truly blessed we have been. I love my family and I am so grateful for how close we all are. There is a lot of us and I am so glad no one is forgotten in our crazy family. I know there isn't one night that passes where my grandparents don't pray for everyone in the family. A lot has happened over the years and no matter the strive, hardship, or disagreements we face we still all love each other. We don't let past struggles or disagreements between one another get in the way of the fact that family is forever and we just have to work it out. I am already anticipating the next one!