Monday, April 27, 2015


Every so often I like to drag Sarah outside and experiment with the natural lighting. I have been teaching Sarah how to utilize all the different angles and ways to capture light. She is such a fast leaner and has gotten really good in such a quick amount of time.

While in Mexico last summer we got these pretty dresses. The detail and color really make the dress, I could wear it all the time. Its so comfy!

Life has been crazy lately. Working full time and attending BYU online really results in me having no time to post on here. If I had it my way I would post all the time. So, hopefully I will have time fairly soon. *Fingers crossed*

Side Note:
(I know many people are wondering about my sickness and where I stand today with everything. A Big blog post is coming soon to update everyone on the status of what happened and whats happening now. I have been working on it for a long time. Its pretty hard to get on paper. Needless to say, it is coming! )