Sunday, June 28, 2015


Here is an update on a lot of the shoots I have done lately. I am very behind on sharing.
Photography is something I love to do. I have been so busy with school and working I haven't had much time to advertise myself in the photography business. So here are some images of the work I have done for some people. There are a lot more where this came from but for now I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My baby BFF

So, a couple weeks ago I went to Virginia to visit family. I always get so excited to spend time with family but especially little Lanie Lue. She gets so excited when I come in town and it makes me feel like a million bucks. Her personality is so cute. I just love her! It was fun to have her dress up and pose. She is a little heart breaker for sure. I'm glad she has all brothers.. they will come in handy one day. ;)