Sunday, November 30, 2014


Thanksgiving for our family includes.... turkey, crappy table settings, a packed house full of family, thankful hearts, and lots of food!  I have never been a fan of the food that is served on Thanksgiving but I fully enjoy the time I get to spend with my family. I always take advantage of any opportunity to create memories. 

This year I was especially grateful. I had the opportunity to serve a mission in California. It was one of the greatest trials for me and continues to be everyday. I was released from my mission due to a sickness. Doctors still aren't sure what it is but they believe it is Lyme disease. Don't get me wrong though..  It was also a great blessing. I had the chance to learn so much. I learned how to love more deeply, have a sincere appreciation for Jesus Christ and what he did for me, be kind, serve others with a full heart, and above all I learned that we are never alone.. Heavenly Father NEVER leaves us alone especially in times of sadness or trial. There wasn't one time where I didn't feel like their was someone with me. Even when my thoughts were clouded with doubts or fear the light would always shine and my fear was dispelled. I met people that changed my life and created friendships that will last a lifetime. 
So with all of could someone focus on the difficult times when so much good came from it? My goal this year has been to count my blessings and I was tested to see if I would actually do it. There were times where I wanted to give up. There were times of tears and frustration but I am so proud of myself for coming out of this trial counting my blessing still and sticking with my goal. I am not perfect in any manner and still have so much to learn but I am still going and cant wait to learn more. I really do love Thanksgiving and the opportunity to reflect on what I am grateful for. I have a family that I love dearly. I have a Father in Heaven who loves me. I have a house over my head and food on the table...what more could I ask for? 
XOXO, Becca

Monday, November 17, 2014

These kids...

I cant tell you how much I love these kids. They are my favorite. How excited they get when they find out they can have a sleep over with me and Sarah is awesome. I feel so cool when they are around. Lizzy and Alex ended up sleeping in my bed, which was totally fine with me because I have a king size bed. The crazy thing is.. they both ended up squeezing next to me..  Alex ended up getting jealous of Lizzy being closer to me then him and stuck him self right between us which left me falling off the bed. I couldn't even be frustrated about not getting any sleep because they are so cute and innocent. Lizzy also woke up at 1:30am so of course I woke up with her. She cuddled close to me and grabbed my face with her little hands. She then starts to giggle. At that point my heart began to melt and I couldn't help but have my desire to have a family of my own one day grow big inside me. Daniel and Jacob slept in the room next to us, they enjoyed not having to share a bed with Lizzy and Alex. We also got to decorate my little Christmas tree. Alex was thrilled and put on almost all the ornaments by himself. He is so cute about little things like that.

Monday, November 10, 2014


 The big thing about my family is they are amazing. Not only was I blessed with two selfless parents who even when they had nothing they gave us everything, I was also blessed with amazing siblings who love each other more then any other siblings I have ever met. Through thick and thin... we have all stuck together. We don't always get along but we love each other more and more every single day.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


There are a lot of things that rub me the wrong way about Halloween but I will say the amount of  creativity that comes with this holiday is amazing. Humans are amazing. Also the ability my sister has to do makeup is amazing. Her inspiration for this look was a "dead biker chick". She is fun to have around. I am glad she is so willing to let our creative minds come together to make something beautiful.