Thanksgiving for our family includes.... turkey, crappy table settings, a packed house full of family, thankful hearts, and lots of food! I have never been a fan of the food that is served on Thanksgiving but I fully enjoy the time I get to spend with my family. I always take advantage of any opportunity to create memories.
This year I was especially grateful. I had the opportunity to serve a mission in California. It was one of the greatest trials for me and continues to be everyday. I was released from my mission due to a sickness. Doctors still aren't sure what it is but they believe it is Lyme disease. Don't get me wrong though.. It was also a great blessing. I had the chance to learn so much. I learned how to love more deeply, have a sincere appreciation for Jesus Christ and what he did for me, be kind, serve others with a full heart, and above all I learned that we are never alone.. Heavenly Father NEVER leaves us alone especially in times of sadness or trial. There wasn't one time where I didn't feel like their was someone with me. Even when my thoughts were clouded with doubts or fear the light would always shine and my fear was dispelled. I met people that changed my life and created friendships that will last a lifetime.
So with all of could someone focus on the difficult times when so much good came from it? My goal this year has been to count my blessings and I was tested to see if I would actually do it. There were times where I wanted to give up. There were times of tears and frustration but I am so proud of myself for coming out of this trial counting my blessing still and sticking with my goal. I am not perfect in any manner and still have so much to learn but I am still going and cant wait to learn more. I really do love Thanksgiving and the opportunity to reflect on what I am grateful for. I have a family that I love dearly. I have a Father in Heaven who loves me. I have a house over my head and food on the table...what more could I ask for?
XOXO, Becca